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CAP 2018

20 juin 2018 - 22 juin 2018

CAp is the annual meeting of the francophone Machine Learning community. The conference is a place of exchange and sharing of experiences in the field of machine learning with presentations of original research results. In 2018, the 20th edition of CAp will be held in Rouen. As the image of the city, characterized by an interdisciplinary culture, the field of machine learning is at the interface of several scientific communities such as computer science, applied mathematics, neuroscience and human sciences. This multidisciplinary has played a leading role in the recent development of the area, both in terms of methodology and applications.

The CAp 2018 Program Committee, chaired by Yves Grandvalet, invites you to submit your work in the field of machine learning. Cap 2018 also offers two special sessions on the themes: « Machine Learning in Games » (organized by Tristan Cazenave) and « Machine Learning for Health » (organized by Chloe-Agathe Azencott).

Important Dates

Abstracts due:
April 13, 2018
Papers due:
April 20, 2018
May 25, 2018
Camera-ready copy:
June 8, 2018
June 20-22, 2018


Début :
20 juin 2018
Fin :
22 juin 2018
Catégorie d’Évènement:
Site :


Site du Madrillet
685 Avenue de l’Université
Saint Etienne du Rouvray, 76801
+ Google Map